Thursday, February 21, 2013


God.. Bless my mom and her sucky picture taking skills. :\
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Poor hubby.. He did the dirty work :)
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Looking really puffy.

My friends :)
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My baby shower started at 4:30 and of course, I was late.
My parents ran around all morning like two chickens with their heads cut off while I just sat around all day doing nothing. All I had to do was show up and let me tell you, when I did finally arrive I was so pleasantly surprised.
We got tons of gifts.. I was so surprised at how many gifts I got. I'll just say this: Pretty much everything I needed for baby was taken care of. ( I already got the big stuff like the crib,car seat stroller which I'll share later) A lot of clothes, onesies, diapers,wipes,receiving blankets. The only things left to buy now are white onesies, more hats and colored bibs.. I got a lot of bibs but they are all pink! I also need to rack up on hair bows :)
I had a guest list of about 35-45 people and I appreciate everyone who showed up to support us. I thank God for my Mom who hosted the party, my step dad and my whole group of family and friends.
Our baby girl is loved by so many.


  1. Beautiful shower...Congrats to you and the hubby on the pregnancy. *smile*

  2. You're so lucky! My baby shower is next weekend... and yes my baby is a month old. My original shower was on Thanksgiving with my family and all I got was a little cash and a package of diapers because the hostess FORGOT TO TELL PEOPLE there was going to be a shower!!!

    1. Ahh that's least the baby will be there :) & everyone can see him. Oh my gosh, whoever the host was to your shower was slacking!

  3. What a BEAUTIFUL shower! And a gorgeous outfit for it, too. You rock that baby bump! So glad you stumbled onto my blog, can't wait to read more of yours! xo.

  4. What a lovely shower, I went to my first last year (was also my first grandchild) its a lovely thing to do, unfortunately I couldn't help organise as I now live in France, but I did provide the champagne and had great fun helping to drink it :)
    Love your blog and happy birthday, you don't have to grow up too much, I had my 40th a few years ago, still go to festivals, dance all night and I have a grandchild!!!!

    Jenny x


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