Saturday, March 9, 2013

BBP:20 on my My Twentieth Birthday

march 009

This picture was taken on my 20th birthday! Happy birthday to me :)
I had just came home from picking up my sister and takeout from Chilis- all for me thanks to my mom!
As you can all see my belly is growing. I'm still a lot smaller than most 34 weekers that I see ..but that's okay. The group of midwives I go to say I am measuring 34/35 weeks.
As far as symptoms go...There are probably too many to name. I'm peeing a lot more and some days are worse than others. Some days, every drink I pour down my throat ends up coming out in less than 10 minutes! How is my body processing the pee so fast? (I have to laugh right now, because of the fact that I sound like an idiot!) I peed on my self about three times this week:
  • Once after sex, on the floor... yea sounds gross but I thought it was my water breaking, that's how out of blue peeing can get now days.
  • One time I got out of the shower and put on nice, fresh pajamas. Coughed too hard and had to change my clothes.
  • Another time I was outside hanging out with hubby and I laughed too hard. Just a little bit came out. Ugh, had to change my clothes :(
Okay now that I think of it.. it's happened more than once.
One day this week I had excruciating gas pains. I felt nauseous and ended up throwing up... Horrible I tell you. I have back pain and stuff like that. My neck and chest area is at least 2 shades darker than my face.
Swelling in my feet, ankles and face haven't been so bad lately.
I still have much to do to prepare for baby. I put the bedding on her crib and washed/folded majority of her clothes and blankets. Now I need to get a mattress cover and call Mama's and Papa's about my stroller! Find a pediatrician and blah blah blah.
Now on to my birthday:

 Aren't my nails so damn cute!

My birthday went fine! I got money as a gift and the cake was delish.
The night before my birthday I went out to acropolis and my friend surprised me and my other friends with a birthday cake with all of our names on it!
Great 20th.


  1. happy belated birthday! what day was it?


  2. Aww your cake is so cute! Hope you had a lovely birthday. I'm sorry about all the bad pregnancy stuff that's happening, bless you.

  3. Happy birthday!! oh my gosh I remember those terrible gas pains more than labor! I didn't have the holding in the peepee problem but by golly that didn't mean I wasn't in the bathroom every ten minutes.

  4. happy birthday! you have a cute little bump...getting real close! i hated the peeing thing! even after birth, for a while...had a few accidents!


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