Sunday, February 3, 2013

1 year wedding anniversary rant

Yesterday I said I'd elaborate on the whole anniversary plan for today.
Basically.. Our 1st wedding anniversary is today and we're spending it at his moms house.... Exactly, doesn't that just suck? Who wants to be around family on a day as romantic as your first wedding anniversary.
We told his mom last week that we were going to come over and today just happens to be the day of the Superbowl .. So add that with a bunch of men, little kids, beer and burnt-grilled chicken and you have a Superbowl party. One I definitely do not want to be at.
We're supposed to be at Disney World or on a cruise... Not here at a bootlegged Superbowl party.
P.S. I hate football.
Many factors complicated the original plan of doing something special and unique. Time has flown by, we have not saved enough money to take a trip. I'm 7 months pregnant.
As of now I'm sitting here in his brothers room using the computer by myself. How romantic.


  1. awh. so sorry to hear that. I know it would also tick me off when my ex boyfriend wouldn't wanna spend time just him + I together. We were always with other people. ):

    I really love your blog. Do you did it yourself?

  2. ooohh I understand! Our first wedding anniversary fell on mother's day. Husband waned to spend our anniversary at his parent's house... yes, his parent's- the people who didn't want us to get married from the beginning (ahem, race issue). I was so distraught, I let him go spend the day with his parents while I stayed at home alone and cried. :(

    1. Awww Hollie :( ok that's sad. I felt like crying that day too. Just because I pictured it as romantic. Not a family affair lol.

  3. awww for you and Hollie and Sabrina lol, at least you'll have many more to plan for :)

    great blog!

  4. I have learned that men can be very clueless. I am also a newlywed and have had to figure out that when my husband is being insensitive, he really has no idea!!! New follower, found you via better blogger network

    1. That's so true. Men are completely insensitive but they don't even know it..which makes them stupid!
      Thanks I'll def follow you back :)

  5. Stopping by from the BBN I'm your newest follower on bloglovin looking forward t reading some of your Posts, check my blog out when you have a chance


  6. so nice to find fellow lifestyle bloggers, check out


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