Sunday, February 3, 2013

30 week BabyBump!

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 I missed last week.. oops!
I'm pretty sure I'm only posting because I'm extremely excited to be 30 weeks.
The 30 week mark is a date I have had dreams about. In the first trimester I remember yearning to be at the 30 week mark because it's so close to the actual due date! Now I'm here and it's like: Now what?... Now I'm going to wait 7-10 more weeks that will probably appear to fly by and I'll be a mom in that short amount of time.
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I feel like  I'm starving. I'm so hungry I could eat everything in the kitchen. All I ate was 2 waffles today :( My stomach is just screaming for food. I'm going to wait to eat because I'm craving pizza hut! My husband better not go over anybodies house after work or it's going to be on. I will slap him in his face. No joke lol.
I'm that hungry right now and I'm just hoping he'll call and go by there so I can get my stuffed crust, extra cheese pizza.. and maybe alfredo pasta to go with it ;)
My tummy is not that big. It's growing but compared to some of these other pregnant women I see- my stomach is small.Some women are HUGE around this time.
Mine is more like a little basketball.
Look at my little basketball!
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In other pregnancy news: my next appointment is feb 6th. I don't feel like going but oh well. I had a gestational diabetes aappointment on the 31st but lost my order form so I had to reschedule that. I'm dreading that 1 hour test.. I already know I'm going to be really hungry.

                                          Happy  Anniversary?

My wedding anniversary is tomorrow. We're not doing anything special though which kinda upsets me. Being pregnant makes celebrating a little less fun. I'll elaborate tomorrow. As of now, are plans are to go to his moms house and have dinner. Spending time with any of our parents is not my idea of a great anniversary... but I think we'll make the best out of it. On the upside: At least I know our anniversaries are as important to him as they are to me.

Symptoms I experience seem pretty normal.. Short of breath sometimes and the bones in my hands hurt from time to time ( I don't know what's up with that). When I sleep, I have to toss and turn throughout the night because my butt cheek becomes intensely painful! ... Again, I don't know what's up with that but I probably turn over 100 times throughout the night.

My baby shower is now 2 weeks away. Me and my mom have gotten into some really intense arguments over stupid stuff like decorations... I'm just laying low because apparently I'm not aloud to have too much of an opinion about my own shower. It's okay though- I love her & the fact that she's throwing this big party for me.

Until next time.

1 comment :

  1. You look great pregnant! I have just found i'm pregnant with my 3rd child.. eek! lol I'm kinda the same as you, from behind I don't look pregnant but when I turn around I have a 'neat' bump. I'm liking your maternity photo's too. I had mine done professionally last time, but i'll maybe try myself this time.


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