Saturday, January 26, 2013

BB 27/28 + babyshower thrifting

On my 28th week of pregnancy we (my mom and I) decided to get serious about planning this baby shower. It's going to take place February 16th so we have to get moving! A few of my family members went for a ride to the Goodwill and salvation army to see what we could find.
                                     We found a few good things we could use mixed into all this junk.
uploads from 12.27.12 059
       Gold plate under some junk.


Random dude, in my way.

 I enjoyed taking my camera out in public. It's something to get used to because you think people may be staring at you, wondering,
"Why is this chick walking around with a big bulky camera?" 
 My family made me feel a thousand times more comfortable.
We found a bunch of stuff for the shower... Mason Jars, about 9 Vase's, A picnic basket.. I'll elaborate later.. but all of that stuff only came up to $60- Yea I know! I love me a deal!
& Now for the bump talk.
My baby girl seems to be doing fine.. Some days she doesn't kick as much, but I think it's just because she has a lot less room for aerobics now days. She's not rolling as much, mostly kicking and jabbing. She has the hiccups 3-5 times per week, sometimes multiple times during the day. It's a really annoying feeling but at the same time I enjoy it because I get to experience her being active inside of me.

My belly is still small. I am noticeably pregnant but most women who are 7 months pregnant seem to be a bit bigger than I am. I'm fine with that though. The only thing I'm not particularly fine with is people reminding me how small I am for 7 months every two seconds (Don't you worry- I promise not to bite your head off if someone happens to say that in the comments section)

Oh yea, I'm addicted to sweets. I normally am not the type of girl to eat something sweet before I've had an actual meal.. but now I can't help myself. It's as if sweets are calling my name on a daily basis. I ate 5 doughnuts within 2 days. I went to starbucks today and got a lemon cake just because it looked good. Lemon cakes aren't even my thing.. I'm more of a chocolate kind of girl... but I tore that lemon cake up!
11 more weeks left for this pregnancy.. I can't help but think that maybe I'll have her at 38 weeks, then it'll only be 9 weeks ::oh my gosh!:: I want her to come after 40 weeks though, I want my baby to be completely healthy and ready to come out.. but sometimes shit just happens.
                         I'm nervous because I don't have the essential items I need for her yet (I'm getting more stuff on my baby shower & the big purchases after). I am wondering why I haven't started her scrap book yet. & I still need to plan out my maternity photos.. I'm taking them myself!


  1. It's nice to see you taking your camera out more and more. And also, you look so amazing pregnant! Some people aren't so lucky but you look great. And definitely enjoy those sweet treats, you so deserve it right now! :)

  2. That is going to be some shower!! I can't wait to see how it turned out!

    Thanks for commenting on my blog!

  3. Aww you look so cute! I wish my bump looked like yours!!!

    I just found your blog through the Baby & Bump Third Tri forum, I'm a new follower :)


  4. I was small until I got close to the end of my 8th month then I started gaining weight. I went to 41 weeks....seemed like forever. My baby was a healthy 6lbs 2oz. So don't worry what people say about being small. Everyone is different and every pregnancy is different.


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