Wednesday, January 9, 2013

We'll just call this a bump post.

I've been gone. For five days I feel like I have not blogged as much as I've wanted to .. Actually I always feel that way lol It's a good thing I guess because that means i'm actually remaining dedicated to my blog. I think about blogging everyday.. and everyday, I always plan to blog but it just doesn't happen all the time. I really blame this pregnancy. I have only been out of the house twice in the past 5 days... Once to go to a corner store at 2AM and I went to a doctors appointment today & came right back home after feeling sick.
I came home and crawled in bed, slept for around 3 hours.
I did not post a baby bump picture last week :( So I decided to just combine the two..week 25/26
                                                                      Say hi to my bump!
These past two weeks:
I found out I gained 5 more pounds since December 5th.
( so I've gained 19lbs overall) I normally weigh 124. I'm 144 now.

 Plus the onset of never ending hunger. I can literally eat & eat...and eat... and eat & still feel like there is room for more in there!
                      This is how it looks when I look directly down at the ground...can't see my feet.
++  I did more shopping last week at forever 21. I snagged a few cute things that I'll probably share later on when I can actually make it out of the house & take pictures of my outfits! Just trying to keep it cute. I have to give myself credit where it's due, I always make sure I look good when I leave the house. I got so many compliments today & it was not even centered around my belly which feels great when you are 20 pounds heavier and feeling very uncomfortable.
 I think my baby is getting into her schedule because she is really calm at times.. but really active at others. Right now she's probably sound asleep.. haven't felt any movement for a little minute.
Had a doctors appointment today.. I was so sick that I felt like I was going to throw up and just faint on the floor. On my way home I managed to take a couple of pictures while at the stop light downtown... because that's where my doctors office is.

bye now.


  1. what a precious bump! Right now at 39 weeks, my belly button is hanging on for dear life. It just looks like a little open surprised mouth going "Oh!"

  2. Aww that bump pictures are so cute. :) Bless you for always being hungry, so am I and I'm not pregnant, at least you have an excuse! And you took some great pictures, you should keep it up and blog regularly and see how your photography improves :)

  3. A cute!!! precious bump!!

    xx Mounia

  4. Awww so cute

    Please come and check out my latest post if you have a few minutes spare :)



  5. Great pics! Makes me miss being pregnant.
    Visiting via BBN. I'm your newest follower.



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