Friday, December 28, 2012

Baby bump post 24

It's been about 2 weeks since I posted a baby bump post. My bad! 

My belly is all out of focus but I was seriously about to faint from standing..waiting on the camera timer!

Now I am 24 weeks 

(25 weeks tomorrow!!!)

+Pregnancy this week has been fine. No real annoyances. 
It's really amazing actually. I have energy, I'm not starving.. I'm not peeing every hour.
Maybe I'm just getting used to how often pregnancy makes a person pee.

The symptoms I'm experiencing more often is swollen feet and my face definitely looks pudgy.. I have that pregnant girl face. ( I can't get a good picture to save my life! :) )

When I drink too much soda or juice my bladder hurts, i'm pretty sure that's the reason. Say I have 2 or 3 cups of soda ( I know that is horrible, but sometimes I crave the taste of sprite) My bladder just hurts so I drink a lot of water and I am cured.

Baby Addison

Our little bundle has been full of life this week! she's not only kicking, I can feel her move around and it's truly the most amazing thing ever. At 22 weeks I could just catch her kick my stomach and now I see her roll around, kicking and stretching. I know I say this every week:

I seriously can't wait to be a mom. Every week that goes by my love for her grows so strong- it's so cool because I had no idea pregnancy would be this way. You never know how great this love is until you experience it for your self.

We've been talking about middle names a lot this week.
? ? ?  I think I like Malia
Addison Malia Lovett
What do you guys think!?


  1. You remind me of myself when I was pregnant, I had such a cute baby bump:) I also think the name you picked is adorable, its very unique and you hardly hear people with it. I found you over at "oh hello" and you can check me out at Best of luck during your pregnancy!

  2. Can't believe how much the bump has grown in just two weeks! Usually people only post every 4 weeks so you expect to see big growth. Thanks for sharing and I'm glad you're enjoying your pregnancy!

    1. ;) It has it's moments. This week (25) it's kinda small lol


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