Friday, December 14, 2012

babyBump: 22 week!

 Stopping in late to post my 22 week baby bump.

Week 22 will be over on Saturday! It drives me nuts that I get to 22 weeks and before a day goes by I'm saying "I can't wait til I'm 23 weeks" .. I'm just counting down the days til I reach that next week!
Today I had an ultrasound appointment. I was able to see my precious bundle of joy, but it seems like she did not want to be seen.
She was facing my back the entire ultrasound which I didn't expect because she's always active.. How is my little stinker gonna be sleeping when I expected her to be bouncing and hyper. Baby Addison would not budge even after taking a trip to the bathroom and turning around on the exam table. She even covered her face while the sonographer poked and prodded my side trying to catch a glimpse of her profile. Although she was not cooperating, it was fine with me because I find everything she does incredibly adorable.

We were able to catch her touching her feet, crossing her ankles and three perfect 3D/4D face shots. She has A LOT more facial fat than she did at 17 weeks.
At my 17 week private scan, her face was basically skin and bones and it looked very skeletal. Now her face had a lot more fullness and she just looked like a full grown baby. I know she has a lot of growing to do. She's only 1 lb and a couple ounces so I think she's gonna end up with fat fluffy cheeks just like her mommy.

I love my baby so much! Can never say it too much, can never comprehend the amount of love I feel for her. It's truly amazing and I am really thankful to God


Sleep: Fine, I wake up like once or twice to pee at night which is insane. Sometimes my butt hurts SO badly. I only lay on my sides so one butt cheek/hip  will start to hurt, ill roll over on the other side. It's not as easy rolling over anymore. My ass is hurting so bad right now as I type this lol.

Best moments this week: My ultrasound and eating.. Eating is fun.

Food cravings: Spare ribs and chinese food, long john silvers fish. 

Symptoms: Painful hips/buttcheek when sleeping on my side, Lower abdomen pain..feels like round ligament pain, Stiffness in back and body.

Belly button: still in.

What I miss: being carefree. I could smoke or drink and just get loose and party whenever I wanted. I miss that because sometimes you just want to get loose lol. That will be plenty months from now though. Even after the baby comes I won't be partying anytime soon.
I also miss sex. I'm not as into it as I once was. I could go like the rest of my pregnancy without having sex.

Looking foward to: January when we get her nursery together and buy all of her stuff and my private ultrasound that I'm scheduling between 26-30 weeks.


  1. That's so exciting! New follower.
    Love your blog. Your design looks super pro and the pictures are awesome!!

    1. Thank you so much for the feedback & follow! I'm following you back ;)

  2. You're going to be such an awesome mom!


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