Monday, December 10, 2012

Sexy Black

I was on forever and decided to keep record of the things I want by using beautysets. it's a quick set- kinda messy but oh well you get the picture right? 

As you can see I like black. I'm trying to find pieces that are edgy and not my usual ( 1, 9, 7)
but I could not help picking pieces that were totally me.

Although I want to dress more sexy it's hard to do while I'm pregnant and uncomfortable. but after I get back in shape I want to spice it up more with the cut outs in dresses and such. 
I do want to start wearing more high heels even while being pregnant. I can't see myself being the kind of person that has on sweats and a t-shirt just because I'm a mom, a wife and I'm tired. When you look good you feel good (well atleast that's true for me)
So I'm in the process of revamping myself. Tell me what you think about my choices.

Don't forget to stop by and say hello.
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  1. Hi friend,
    I am your newest follower - Thank you for joining i with Friday Chaos

    Lotte xo


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