Sunday, December 2, 2012

Crib and nursery nook

Finally, I can start on our room for the baby!
Me, my husband and the baby are  in a small room that has the possibility to get extremely cramped and cluttered even without a baby.

I have to be extremely creative with how I design this room.My baby girl has to have her own space and we will have our own space. Sharing a room between 3 people when one of them is a new born baby is not easy, we have to find ways to get the most out of our space and most importantly:stay organized because I cannot function with around clutter for long.

.I want this room to be like our little haven away from the world. Might sound corny - but true.

In the beginning I was looking at these cribs:

Both of these cribs are very modern, bulky cribs. 

These cribs are NOT the crib you want to get if you're trying to save space. For some reason I was stuck in the mind set that I needed a changing table for convenience. Now I realize that it would be pretty pointless to have a changing table when I can just purchase a changing mat and change her on the bed! 
Now on to my FINAL CHOICE :) I'm so happy I typed in "vintage cribs" this being my first child I didn't really have any idea what I would get. I love anything vintage.

Davinci Jenny Lind $160
Absolutely in love with the jenny lind style. I'm definitely not changing my mind, I mean it's classic! Simple & Just everything.

We're planning to make a "Nursery Nook" like these:

The fact that the crib will be in a nook area is great because it gives us the space to decorate the area over her crib for her. I'll be putting shear-like curtains on each side of the closet just incase we turn the lights on in our room while she's a sleep. I'm so excited to start tearing the closet apart!
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  1. I love the nursery nook ideas and it definitely dedicates space to your baby. Good luck with everything.

  2. How cute! I've never really given much though to the nursery nook thing but they look so cute, I can;t wait to see how you decorate yours.

    1. I know right but I'm so happy I found the idea. Thanks Katrice :)


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