Thursday, November 29, 2012

Baby Bump Post: 20 weeks

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I am starting the weekly pregnancy post at 20 weeks.
I was truly bumming it in this picture. My shorts were not buckled (time for more maternity shopping)
 I'm finally getting big growth which I'm excited about. My stomach is poking out and there is no mistaking this bump for a pudge. My boobs are huge, I thought they were big at 10 weeks pregnant but now they are double that size.

I FEEL fine
No morning sickness.
Not very tired.
At times I feel overly emotional.
I feel hungry ( my mouth will water if I am hungry & thinking of food and that is just not normal for me).
I don't feel sexy with this belly. Sad.

My baby girl is kicking  multiple times per day. I absolutely can't wait until April!
Baby is apparently the size of a canteloupe and  around 10 inches from head to toe.

Goals: I would love to start a small workout, I have been meaning to start for weeks but I've been to busy eating! I think working out is important during pregnancy because things are falling due to gravity. I'd love to tone my arms, legs and butt before baby comes.

That's it for BBP 20!

Make sure to stop by and say hi.

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  1. awww i miss that stage of pregnancy. enjoy it though, it goes by fast. i know sometimes thats what you want.. thanks for stopping by from the blog. hop! you mentioned you were a new follower. did you follow on GFC or something else? i dont see you on my google. let me know! I will follow back however you followed =)

    1. Haha I'm trying to enjoy it but you're right, I really just want my due date to come around so I can meet my baby girl! I don't know what happened but I had to follow you again on GFC. Thanks so much for reaching out! :) means a lot.

  2. You look so stinking cute! Thank you so much for reaching out, I'm so excited to follow you along this amazing journey =] I can't wait for us to meet our little girls!

    1. Aw thank you & thanks for replying :)
      wishing you well! I'll be checking in on your blog!

  3. Aw thanks for replying :)
    wishing you well! I'll be checking in on your blog!


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