Monday, November 23, 2015

The finale of LHHH & the personality types we all hate!!

Like many people, I watched the finale of Love & Hip Hop Hollywood tonight and
I can't get enough of my favorite ratchet T.V fix.
After laughing at all of the #LHHH tweets and getting angry with how stupid some of these cast members are, I was inspired to write a post about some of the personality types that I can't stand because I have dealt with these type of people in my own life and these types of personalities have made my life more annoying in general in the past. So just for the fun of it darlings..

#1 Brandi.. The "I like to fight battles that aren't mine just to be relevant"  type of girl.

I cannot stand women who will go to great lengths to be involved in drama. Actually, no woman I know would do such things. I'm all for having your friends back, but I believe that when two women are having a dispute it should stay between those two women. There was no need for Brandi to jump into a battle that had absolutely nothing to do with her. Unless you are somebodies security guard then chill the hell out!
These people make shit go from 0-100 for no real reason & are not good to keep around.

#2 Ray J.. The "I love you when I don't have you"  type of guy.

I like Ray J because he is funny and he has done a lot through out his career... But this dude is the prime example of a man who is SO desperate and SO in love with a girl when she appears to be moving on. As soon as the lady comes back to him he is back to the bullshit. I could never be with a man like him. You put a ring on my finger and act right or you get the steppin'. No time for the high school bullshit.

#3 Nikki.. The "I have no life right now so I gossip about everyone elses"  type of girl..

We all know these types of people because they are everywhere. We all gossip here and there, but these types of people will go to the ends of the earth to find out someone elses business just so they can tell the WRONG person the tea and bring all hell to a situation. These are the sometimes unaware trouble makers of the world. Sometimes they mean no harm, but they are just too stupid to realize what the hell they are doing.

#4 Fizz.. The "I gossip like a little bitch, then wonder why everything is going wrong"  type of guy..

I know this type of man well. They will spread tea and gossip and when everything blows up in their face, they are the main one to point the finger wondering why this is happening to them. I cannot stand this type of guy because they have this female tendency to gossip as if they are sitting at a teenage girls slumber party. There is nothing sexy about this type of guy.

I'll miss cursing at my tv screen #LHHH.


  1. Lmao girl I was dying reading this post!! I haven't been keeping up with the show but it's so true that you can find these personality types in real life. I'm a little sad you dissed my man fizz like that though. He my lowkey boo! It's not his fault he got feelings!! Lol

  2. I don't watch the show on my own time. Now with my sister and friends, I'm forced to watch because they know I'll bring a much different commentary. In other words, I'll be bitching and cracking jokes the whole time. They seem to love it. Anywho, while I may not know too much about the show, I do know about the type of characters you described. And, unfortunately, they've all been in my life one way or another.

    Meanwhile, if you love recaps you should check out Taynement ( They do full recaps of shows, including Love and Hip-Hop.

  3. You hit the nail RIGHT on the head with all of these personality types! This show is one of my guilty pleasures.

    All the Best,
    Allison |

  4. I can relate to the personality types, but I am so far removed from "reality" shows. I only recognize Ray J and Lil Fizz because of their early careers. LOL! Oh, and because I definitely dealt with a guy like Ray J. Guys like that HATE to see you move on and you get to see who they really are when you completely disregard them.


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