Saturday, November 21, 2015

Potty training sucks

Pray for my sanity this week people.
I'm potty training a bad ass and equally adorable toddler who thinks she knows more than I do. Wish me luck.
We started potty training Addie long ago. The thing is, eventually she ends up back inside of a diaper. I think this time she is really ready. This whole week we have been adament about making her use the potty and she's been doing well however, she does have an accident at least once or twice a day. This is day two of wearing only underwear all throughout the day and night.

My main concern is getting her comfortable with going number 2 on the potty.
How the hell do you get a kid to #2 on the potty when using it in a diaper causes them to run and hide. She will literally go missing when her stomach starts to rumble. She does not want to be touched or watched and she is not afraid to let you know
   "Stop watchin meeee" she says.

At the moment, the worse part about potty training has been peoples opinions. People tell me that she should be potty trained already. Or they tell me that it's not that hard (I hate those people).But it really is hard for some families and children. I believe that potty training a child will be easier if the child is ready. No one should have to force a child to go to the bathroom on the toilet. Sometimes a parent just isn't ready because it does take effort from everyone in the household to help with this process.

Overall, this is the hardest thing I've ever had to teach this child. She's 2 1/2 now so hopefully we are done with diapers.

But I do have tips.
-Buy lots of underwear when it's time to start.
-Make it a gradual process. Not sudden. (That worked better for us)
-Consider a variety of methods. Different strokes for different folks. A few friends told me not to put her in pullups but I actually liked them to START in..because if she made a mistake- it was okay.

Wish us luck !

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  1. Awww I remember the beginning stages off potty training, my daughter too was at this age when I started and my main critic was my mother but I knew at the time before that my child wasn't ready and I was not going to force her.

    The number #2 will actually come easy (coming from a mommy who's child does the same thing or actually doesn't like to poop, she use to suck it back up) the best thing to do is motivate and cheer for her let her know it's a good thing and how excited you are for her. That way she gets excited about pooping even though she will start telling you and everybody about her poop lol. Luckily my child liked going on the big potty to poop not her little potty which is best.

  2. I honestly keep forgetting about potty training. I'll start one day with River and then totally forget the next. I think we've re-started potty training 6 times this year!

  3. People have an opinion about everything it's so annoying! Lol.
    The big thing people are harassing me about right now is weaning. RJs 13 months so people keep telling HIM he's too big now.
    Like sure... He cares about your opinion.. Lol

  4. Awwww little addiekins is growing up!! The people that judge a child's progress/development are dumb af!! Like you said, every child is different and not always ready at the same time. I like the tips you gave at the end. I'll be using those when I pop a little one out lol


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