Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Let's talk about my locs

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The backstory

 When I was in the 11th grade I decided to stop using straightening chemicals in my hair.After having Addie a couple years ago I quickly realized that I was getting too lazy to sit through the long  process detangling my hair required every week. Motherhood was new for me so I figured that I needed something low maintenance and healthy. I tried bunning my hair as a protective style until I found sisterlocks. Sisterlocks would allow me versatility but the cost was far too expensive. As an alternative I decided to go with small plaits that would eventually lock up.

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2 1/2 years

I'm still rocking my locs. I love them because they are unique and they're not all neat and perfect.
They are wild and crazy. I love my curls and thickness.. It's like the best of both worlds for me.

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I have thought of taking them out a few times because I get bored with having locd hair and some days I want to experiment with certain hair cuts and lengths. When I feel that way I look at youtube videos of different types of locs. Locs that are mature and beautiful because the person who is growing them had patience with their hair.

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The things that irritate me about my locs is when it comes time to get my hair retightened. I have many locs which require so much time when it comes to maintaining them. I also have thinning in the back of my head (near some of the roots) because I go months without getting a retwist. I prefer to have my hair interlocked to prevent the thinning and unraveling of twists.

I look forward to writing more about my hair, how I take care of it, products and styles.


  1. I love your locs! I have zero hair patience! I'm transitioning BACK to natural hair because I relaxed it after having RJ because I had no patience.

  2. I love locs and wanna get one so bad, but can't find a good hairdresser here in the UK who does one. You're so pretty.
    Low maintenance is good! :))


  3. I love your hair!! I'm natural, too, but literally spend no time in my hair. Most times I just wash, decondition, and put leave-in and oil in my hair. I naturally let my hair do whatever it wants. I just really like the low maintenance appeal of the way I do it. When I'm trying to be fancy, I'll do a twist out, lol. But, I do have a patch of copper and pretty soon want to die my whole head. I'm actually trying to let it grow out.


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