Friday, January 2, 2015

Reflecting on past resolutions+ Writing letters to myself

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Happy new year!
2014 is gone forever so I thought it would be cool to take a look back at my 2014 goals/resolutions and see if I actually completed any of those goals and of course I am making new goals for the year 2015.
 But first, let me tell you all about something I love doing even more than making new years resolutions. I write letters to myself.
 I open up my diary and basically I just write about the things I've been through and where I'd like to see myself at the end of the next year. I share my deepest feelings and thoughts with that piece of paper and then I fold it up and tuck it in the back of my diary. I always make sure to write " OPEN: [INSERT DATE]" on the outside of the letter. It's an amazing way to reflect on your past year and your life in general.

2014 has been a good year. I have experienced sadness and anger at a few points during those 365 days but I feel like I came out on top and definitely progressed and learned from everything that fueled my anger and sadness.

[Here is a snippet of the goals I made to make my life more organized last year]:
  • Become a better cook. I want to cook at least 4-5 days a week.
  • I want every aspect of my new home organized.
  • Devote more time and effort to blogging, designing.
  • Devote more time to doing  new,different, random things in life
 I think I did an okay job of completing this list but only because I did not pick goals that were damn near impossible. So many people are quick to say "new year, new me" but it's much more realistic to try and build a FEW good habits. If I went by that "new year new me" saying I would fail every time.

  • I do cook 4-6 times a week.
  • Not every aspect of my home is organized but it's getting there. It has it's moments.
  • I have not been blogging as much as I'd like to.
  • I have learned more about web development but I could be a lot better than I am right now.
  • I feel like I have not been as adventurous as I'd like.

For 2015 I just want to continue to build on what I tried to accomplish last year. I'd love to be able to build websites without sweating so much ;).. and it would be awesome to take my blog to a new level.

Thanks for rocking with me this year!


  1. Happy new year shamiya.

    I'll love to also be a better Cook too but unfortunately I doubt I have much time to cook 4 times a week. Lol
    I think the letter stuff is same as keeping a journal right? That's one of the things I'll like to try this year too and I wrote about it on my blog uncase you'll like to read that

  2. I'lld love to learn more of baking, making pastries, icecreams youghurts and all sorts..I tink I'll also try to have like a mini journal just to write down some goals, organise my thoughts and keep track of my progress..thanks for sharing Miya.

  3. Happy New Year lovie!

    I definitely need to cook more ... I'm at like once a week right now! Pitiful =(. LOL
    I hate when people say "new year, new me". Im just tryna be a BETTER me.

    Setting realistic goals are super important. It's great to continue to build on them.

  4. I'm a week late but Happy New Year girly!! Its great that you set realistic goals. So many people set these high expectations for the year and fall off after 2 weeks. Keep it up girl! I'm stealing your "letter to myself" idea!!

  5. Happy New Year! This is such a great idea!. Thanks for sharing.


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