Sunday, December 7, 2014

Decorating alternatives for Christmas

   This year is my little family's first time having our own place for Christmas. It's a very special time. Being able to decorate your own house and create your own traditions is too much fun.

  Originally we had it all planned out- we were going to get a Christmas tree. We even bought 3 or 4 dozen ornaments and candy canes to go on the tree that we had not yet purchased. I started to have second thoughts because I want a really small tree and I don't know how Addison will take having a tree with a bunch of sparkly, breakable things on it. I'm pretty sure the toddler in her would destroy it. Part of me still wants to get a small tree but I've been thinking of alternatives that would make it feel merry in this house.

 I did a little searching, and I found a blog: with a post that has tons of alternatives for decorating your home for Christmas. Here are a few that I loved.

1. Cardboard Christmas tree:

A cardboard Christmas treee seems like a great idea because nothing on it is breakable. It's safe if you have small children. They are also very customizable and unique. 

2. Have a little fun with ornaments:

If you happen to have a lot of different ornaments, this is great for you.

Place a few ornaments and evergreens on a 3 tier tray.
Pile ornaments in a glass vase for a clean look.

3. Hang your ornaments:

This can be done in many different areas of your home (on a bare window, chandelier, hallway)

Check in this month to see which one I plan to recreate!


  1. I LOVE the idea of an ornament chandelier! Very festive!

  2. I love the first and second ideas. Lovely

  3. I'm totally going to do hanging ornaments. I have a bunch of baubles that don't match the ornaments from the tree - now I know what to do with them!


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