Saturday, April 20, 2013

She's here!

I'm happy to announce my baby girl, Addison Malia's arrival into this world! She was born April 13th on her due date which is amazing because they say only 5% of babies actually arrive on their due date.
She was born at 4:27PM. 6lbs 10oz. 20 1/2 inches. She's a tiny little thing that makes me melt everytime I look at her. She's amazing. Me and hubby fell in love with her all over again the moment she was born.
addison 137

My baby gives me purpose in my daily life. I wake up and I'm just glad that she's mine and i'm taking care of her everyday. It's a huge blessing that I thank God for.

I planned to write a separate post for my birth story but seeing as how Addison is sleeping.. I mine as well get both post over with right now while I still have the chance.

                                                               Last day in the hospital!


                                                               Her surprised face lol.

Birth Story
  April 13th was my due date. On April 12th I decided I wanted to get a few things[my hair] just so I wouldn't have to worry about it for a while. Through out the day I felt pain when I walked and I felt uncomfortable but that's a normal occurrence during pregnancy. I was having braxton hicks on and off but I thought it was just like any other day- she wouldn't be coming- she would be a late baby. That night around 10:30-11PM I was having braxton hicks more frequently and felt like I had to take a bowel movement. I went to the restroom and there was this grossness in the toilet: Mucus, blood.. That's the moment that I knew I was most likely about to be in labor. Finally, progress! I thought. It still didn't hit me that I would go into labor that night until I got out of the bathroom and immediately started having contractions 1-3 minutes apart. They weren't really painful at first, I could walk through them. After an hour of contractions I knew I was in labor. I still had that thought in the back of my mind that it might be false labor.
  At 1 O'clock, only about 2 hours after my bloody show my contractions intensified and at 1:30AM I was more than ready to go to the hospital. They felt like they were coming so fast. 1-3 minutes is not enough time to recover from something so painful. The contractions lasted around 40 seconds each time. So instead of my contractions getting closer and closer together and intensifying like I've always heard. They started close together and intensified. By 2AM I got my things together and we made it to the hospital. I felt like shit. I was miserable.. I could not think happy thoughts about my baby because the pain took my mind away. I was admitted to the hospital and they said I was only 1 1/2 cm. I was already 1cm dilated weeks ago so I was very disappointed to hear that news after all of that pain. They told me I would be checked in two hours and if there isn't any progress they will send me home. 2 hours later I was dilated to a 2 almost 3.
I was begging for the epidural. I needed it. More than anything I've ever wanted .. I was all for natural birth but when you feel that pain it totally changes your mind. All I could think about was "this is just going to get worse. How can I deal with that when I can barely handle this?" 
By the time I made it to Labor and delivery I was moaning in pain. Lots of oooohhhhh's and Ahhhhhh's lol and Owwww's. I could not be quiet and moaning was what felt natural. Once I got the epidural I felt like I was on cloud nine! Amazing! I couldn't feel anything my legs were completely numb. That's when I could actually think about my baby and live in the moment.
After hours of just laying there talking to my husband and mom the nurse comes in and does a check, she says I can start pushing! My mom and husband are looking wide eyed. She was crowning, they could see her hair and everything. 
I began to push, I couldn't feel a thing that explains why I had no idea she was crowning. I was completely numb to anything. I knew to push like I was doing a bowel movement so I pushed with all my might and a few pushes and less than 5 minutes later she was out. I could just barely feel her slide out but no pain. I looked down at my baby girl and started to cry. The most amazing thing ever was seeing my child come out of me and realizing: This is your baby you've been waiting to meet for months. They put her on my chest and I cried and tried to get her to wake up a little more. The nurse and nurse midwife congratulated me and said I did an amazing job. I was very proud of myself because I feel like I handled it well and it was really all thanks to that epidural because I felt no pain lol. Thank God for the Epi!


  1. Isn't she just beautiful? I love love love her little outfit in her serious face. she is so cute + I'm so happy for you.

  2. She's a perfect little chocolate bundle!! Congrats mommy!!

  3. Congratulations Miya!!! Isn't she adorable?!!??

  4. Congrats!! She is absolutely gorgeous! Such lovely pictures of her. I totally cringed when reading about how much pain you were in. Labour scares the shit out of me and I know I'll need an epidural, after reading this, there's no way I'm not getting it! Glad you got through it okay and it was all so worth it, she is lovely. Love the last picture, hehe. <3

  5. Congrats! She's beautiful and already so much personality! And a smooth and happy delivery, I'm so happy for you. Enjoy, savor every moment and take lots of pics :)

  6. YAY! welcome to the world Addison =). I was just thinking about you the other day. Glad you're enjoying her.

  7. she is so adorably cute miya! *smile* she looks JUST LIKE YOU! Congrats to you and the hubby! *smile*

  8. AWWW she is gorgeous! Congrats!


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