Thursday, April 4, 2013

Baby bump 37 & 38

march 093

We're so close... yet it seems so far away.
My little muffin is full term now. I remember when I would count down the weeks until my baby reached full term. It's a major milestone knowing that your child can be born any day now and she would be fully developed and able to survive on her own.
I can't wait to see her face and hear her first cry. Everyday I find myself saying,
    "I hope today is the day."
I know that it is best for a baby to reach their due date (which is why I don't try to induce my own labor with any at home remedies) but it's really difficult to just sit here and wait. 9 more days or more or less, it drives a girl crazy.

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What I have been up to?
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  • I'm in the process of getting all of the last little details finished. We purchased a mattress cover for her crib, I washed all of her blankets folded them neatly and placed them in her crib. Before, there was a bunch of random stuff in her crib,  onesies that still needed washing, hair bows and stuffed animals. 
             The crib is made by Baby Cache, very well made & the pictures don't really do it justice.
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[I need to take this picture in the daylight!]

  • Finishing up my hospital bag. I should be posting about my bag tomorrow, I'm way to exhausted to finish it right now.

  • I still need to buy a Moby wrap. I really want to wear my baby ;)

march 095

You can probably guess how I have been feeling by looking at when my last blog post was. I have been feeling a lot heavier, tired, uncomfortable. Being 9 months pregnant really wears a girl out. I've been working on this blog post for 5 days already, isn't that absolutely ridiculous? You have to understand, everytime I log on to get it done I just end up feeling really hot and uncomfortable or I'm so full I need to go lay down. My breast are so big that they don't even have my size in any store I know of. Prepregnancy bra size: 32D now I can't even fit a 38DD.. too big around the waist but too small in the cup size. I think I'm a 34DDD :O My poor breast. These are the joys of pregnancy and bringing a beautiful baby into this world and it's all worth it.

  • Braxton hicks more often but they don't really hurt.

  • Swollen feet and face and...everything else.

  • My neck and chest area is darker than my face and the rest of my body. This totally sucks because I can't wear my foundation on my face. If I do, I end up looking like a ghost with a black neck! Everyone tells me it's just hormones and it should go back to normal.

  • My nose is still huge.

  • Pelvic pain, Sharp pains crotch called "lightening"
I went to my midwife appointment on tuesday where she performed a cervix check. I found out that I'm about 1cm dilated, 80% effaced. She told me that she doesn't think "it" will happen this week, my cervix is still thinning out. I'm praying she is wrong. I want my baby this week! Please just come precious baby! I've had 4 or 5 braxton hicks in the last 30 minutes so maybe tonight will be the night? I say that every single night: Maybe tonight will be the night.
Take a look at these 3 pictures.
1. A picture of me at 37 weeks pregnant.
2. May 2012, about a month before I ended up pregnant.
3. May 2011.

I never knew I would be comparing my pregnant self to my "old" self. I know all of this swelling is just normal but it's kinda getting to me. When I see how skinny I was just 9 months ago it really makes me want to pop this baby out and run to the gym. There are somethings that I am starting to accept that I can't change. I won't be able to get rid of the stretchmarks I do have. My breast aren't gonna shrink back to their perfect 32D size. Things may be flabby and out of place but I just have to deal with it and learn to love my body. People who have never been pregnant will never understand this... Pregnancy is life changing in every way and people may look at me and say "wow you're still skinny, stop over reacting about how you look/ will look" but I just think it sounds so dumb when people say that. You don't have a 7 pound baby in you making your breast 5 times bigger and stretching your stomach so far it leaves you with tiger marks :) .. and all in such a short time spand. So PLEASE don't tell me how I should react. I feel so much better after writing this !
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Rockin my husbands shirt.
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march 072
Ending this long baby bump post with a picture of myself I actually like. I love taking pictures and getting a result that I think is good regardless of what anyone else thinks. I like this picture of me because it ain't perfect, I look like a pregnant cow but I really like my expression and I think it captures my pregnancy nicely ;)
If I don't go into labor first, I will share what's in my hospital bag and a few other things that are going on before the baby arrives.


  1. Very cute blog! Moby wraps are awesome and since I started using them 3 babies ago, it is on my MUST have list when preparing for baby. They are so worth it!!! Good Luck Mama!

  2. I was just thinking about you the other day wondering if it's baby time yet. SO CLOSE!! You look great!!

  3. You must be going absolutely crazy waiting, I know I would be. Such a big change, 9 months in the making, all comes down to 1-2 weeks. Wishing you a happy, healthy and smooth delivery!

  4. Beautiful bump! I remember I kept saying I want her to wait until she's ready... but I wish she was ready now! I was 1 cm at my 39 week appointment with no symptoms an had her about 36 hours later, they really show up whenever they feel like it. Best of luck!


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